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An Interview with John Kalil, RKC Instructor

I was determined to learn about kettlebells, so for the first 2-3 years I probably went to every class Mike had! I soaked up as much info as I could from him.

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Martial Health

You’ll notice that there are some martial arts that seem to cater to longevity, while others, sadly, promote a much shorter life or at least movement expectancy. A perfect example of this is to see an 80-year old Tai Chi practitioner compared to a Muay Thai fighter of the same age.

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An Interview with Rolando Garcia III—Intrinsic Excellence and Goal Setting

First of all, I think goal setting itself is important. It’s a relatively sure way to actually achieve what we want to achieve. However as I mentioned in our previous interview, if you take a good look at where you are in your life right now financially, professionally, and personally, chances are that five years ago you would not have envisioned where you are now.

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How To Dominate The Deadlift, 4 Dynamite Drills Using The Ultimate Sandbag

It was only about 15 years ago when the deadlift was vilified. If you coached your clients to perform the deadlift, you were almost considered an irresponsible trainer. Only the super hardcore, “crazy” lifters really did it!

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An Interview with Angelo Grinceri, PCC Instructor

When I was almost seventeen, I started to get really involved in the aesthetic side of fitness through bodybuilding. I guess I had a different start than most practitioners. I feel like most fitness professionals have a competitive background based in athletic performance, while mine was looks-based.

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The Science of Fitness: Power, Performance, and Endurance

“Diet and exercise” have been the mantra of preventative health for decades, perhaps to the point of becoming cliché and disregarded. This well-intentioned advice to eat better and exercise more is not nearly specific enough to be useful. Furthermore, we think people should know why such recommendations are given, in order to take the advice to heart and as motivation for putting the plan into action.​

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Why Do I Train? Why Do I Want To Be Strong?

Why do you like to train? What is your goal? Certainly most (younger) males train to look cool and to be attractive to women. Over time, that may change—at least it did for me, training became a way of life. It was fun to explore how far I could push the limits by doing more reps, or increasing the weights. I was sweating "just" to write higher numbers in my training notebook.

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How to Instantly Communicate and Coach with the DVRT Universal Language of Exercise

Struggling with communication doesn’t have to be part of a workout, training is already hard enough. Since implementing the DVRT system in our programs, communication at all levels has become much easier!​

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Is Weight All The Same?

It might be the MOST annoying saying in all of fitness. I have even heard some of the smartest and most accomplished strength coaches fall prey to it: “Weight is just weight, the body doesn’t know the difference.” At first glance, it makes a lot of sense! It reminds me of an old joke, “What weighs more, 1000 pounds of feathers or 1000 pounds of rocks?” Does science and the real world tell us anything otherwise?

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An Interview with Keith Veri, RKC Instructor

When I first started with kettlebells, I was tired of how I had been training. Even though I was into running and a lot of cardiovascular training which helped me get down to 150lbs, I was not happy there. I didn’t like being skinny, and I needed to add a strength training component. Then all the sudden I saw them one day and ordered a 30lb kettlebell. It was rough, but I loved working with it. ​

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