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Training Articles

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Build Your Inner Citadel

By age twelve, Theodore Roosevelt had spent almost every day of his short life struggling with horrible asthma. Despite his privileged birth, his life hung in a precarious balance—the attacks were an almost nightly near-death experience. Tall, gangly, and frail, the slightest exertion would upset the entire balance and leave him bedridden for weeks.

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How to Meet the Challenges of Group Training and Programming with the DVRT and Kettlebells

Starting with the obvious, the RKC uses kettlebells, “cannonballs with handles”. The DVRT uses the Ultimate Sandbag, which is a specially designed bag with...

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11 Ways to Use Your Environment in Strength Training

The world we live in is an amazing, fascinating place—it already has the whole gamut of tools to help us with our strength quest. We can divide all the available implements into two distinct categories​

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The Bodyweight and DVRT Connection

Whenever bodyweight training is mentioned, images of grace, athleticism, and flexibility often come to mind...

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Kettlebells at Work: Reversing the Negative Health Effects of Extensive Sitting at the Workplace

Considerable attention has been focused on the role of the workplace in back pain. Too much sitting—as described by Czech neurologist Vladimir Janda—can result in “lower cross syndrome” which is marked by weak gluteal muscles and tight iliopsoas muscles.

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Why the RKC?

This article is written to help you realize that the RKC is your only choice.

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How to Optimize Your Athletic Work Capacity—So Everything Else Is Easy

What we do today looks very different from what we were doing in the early 90’s. It’s not that what we did back then was ‘bad’, it’s that we know so much more today. My philosophy has pretty much stayed the same—it’s all about building work capacity, and everything after that is easy. But, how to go about building this work capacity has changed through the years.

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The DVRT Clean and Press Challenge

Right away, you will find that the “weight is NOT just weight”. And while I know this is a popular thing to say—and it might not make sense to everyone—it’s one of the first lessons learned when using the Ultimate Sandbag.

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Rolando Garcia III on Intrinsic Excellence and the Necessity of “Dirty Work”

As a personal trainer, before we can claim that our advice is valid for developing success, we have to experience that success as something workable and valid for us. This is where we—as personal trainers—have to turn that critical eye on ourselves first. Are we doing right in our own lives?

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How to Develop Rugged, All-Purpose, "Farm Boy" Strength and Power—Without Setting Foot on a Farm

You don’t have to be a historian of physical culture to have heard “farm boy” or “old man strength” stories. I remember my father having that kind of strength.

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