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Eliminate the Curse of Migraines from Your Life

October 2, 2006 03:33 PM


Would You Like to FINALLY AND FOREVER Eliminate the Curse of Migraines from Your Life?And Do It Naturally, With Absolutely No Drugs?


Now, For the First Time in History, There IS A Genuine, Clinically-Proven, All-Natural, Drug-Free CURE for Migraine?A CURE That Is Permanently Eradicating Not Just the Symptoms BUT THE CAUSES of Even the Worst and Most Stubborn Cases

By Sergey Dzugan, MD, PhD

I can only imagine what it's like to wake up each and every day and not know whether I will welcome the sun in my face or need to hide in a darkened room; not know whether I will relish the sound of children playing or need to seek a haven of silence; not know whether I will delight in sitting down to a fine meal with friends or need to sequester myself, nauseous and retching, away from those I love; not know whether I will be able to feel satisfaction after a day's work or need to cut short another day at the office.

Never did I imagine I would find a cure for migraine, a debilitating disease which, according to the National Headache Foundation, affects approximately 28 million Americans.

But I did.

I didn't set out to cure migraine. Like many groundbreaking medical events, the discovery happened serendipitously. In fact, I wasn't even working with migraine patients or in neurology at the time. Rather, before I came to the United States, I was Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery and the Senior Heart Surgeon at the Donetsk District Regional Hospital in the Ukraine. But it was here, while I was working with cancer patients at the North Central Mississippi Regional Cancer Center with R. Arnold Smith, MD, that something curious occurred?

When cancer patients were treated with immunorestoration?a treatment approach that includes the use of hormones to help boost the immune system?patients who had once suffered with migraines reported that suddenly they were migraine-free. (We also noticed that high cholesterol was resolved, but that's another story.)

Why were these patients suddenly free of migraine and its many related symptoms, including fatigue, insomnia, depression, and constipation? Could restoration of specific, foundational hormones be the basis of a migraine cure?

I had to know. Suddenly, I had an "incurable desire" to take on one of the most crippling conditions people can experience. Although as physicians we have a wide array of treatment options at our disposal?from moderate and heavy-hitting prescription pain killers to broadly tested herbal remedies?few doctors have been able to successfully treat, much less eliminate this condition for their patients.

Until now, migraine has appeared to be impossible to cure. But it's not impossible any more.

Now There Is A Cure for Migraine

For the first time, there is a safe, proven cure for migraine headache and its associated symptoms. I developed the treatment protocol out of a long-term clinical study in which all the patients?100 percent?got complete relief from migraine pain and related symptoms, including individuals who had difficult-to-treat migraine that had plagued them for more than thirty years.

It seemed too good to be true, and you know what they say about such situations. But this was not a one-time occurrence. Since that study, I have repeatedly gotten the same results with hundreds of men, women, and adolescents in the United States and from around the world, whether they have been suffering with episodes of migraine pain for a few months or for decades.

If they can find relief, you and your loved ones can find it as well. In my book The Migraine Cure, I share with you some of their success stories and how they achieved that success. More important, I explain how you can realize that success as well.

Some of the patients have called my treatment program a miracle. It is not a miracle: I do not wave a magic wand and make your migraine disappear. The treatment program is, however, soundly based in science, it is amazing, and it is effective. It is also natural, readily available, noninvasive, and fine-tuned for each individual to fit his or her unique needs.

Basically, I have developed a four-part program for migraine that is both simple and complex. I wanted it to be simple so people could understand it and follow it easily at home. This information is far too important to keep it out of the hands of everyone who needs it. The program's simplicity lies in the fact that the materials needed to achieve a cure are natural and readily accessible?hormones that are bioidentical to the body and which are available both over-the-counter and by prescription, as well as various nutrients or other natural supplements as needed, without prescription.

You won't need to worry about taking drugs that will cause side effects or seeking the services of special practitioners or therapists; there aren't any medications in my program.

The program is also complex because each and every hormone, nutritional supplement, or other natural compound you may take as part of the plan has an intimate and critical relationship with all the others, and all the substances work together to achieve and maintain balance in what is called the sympathetic/ parasympathetic nervous systems.

While it isn't necessary for you to have a thorough understanding of the equilibrium between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems in order for you to benefit from the program, I do explain how this fascinating relationship works, with the aid of illustrations, because I believe it will provide you with a depth of appreciation not only of the migraine cure but of the intricate maneuverings required to achieve it.

A prominent professor has called my migraine treatment program "Nobel Prize material." Although it would be an honor to win such a prestigious prize, the real reward for me is the invaluable results it is providing the men, women, and young people who once suffered with migraine and who now are pain-free. I wrote this book so I could offer you the possibility of a cure.

In The Migraine Cure, you will learn about how the program works, why it works, and, most important, how you can take the steps necessary to make it work for you?all without the use of expensive therapies or traditional drugs and the side effects associated with them.

Most people who carefully follow the recommendations of the Migraine Cure are migraine-free in as little as one week. One patient recently revealed to me that after she had been on the program for only two days, she conducted her own little "test" of the program: she ate something that had always triggered migraine in the past?a big dish of chocolate ice cream with chocolate sauce. Her results? Surprise?no migraine!

Here's wishing you many migraine-free years filled with all the goodness and sweetness life has to offer.

